Monday, December 6, 2010

Thank you & see you again...

alhamdulillah selesai sudah our 10th year reunion...
thanks everyone for your support & attendance...
we surel had a blast time don't we?

tqvm to our lovely committees for all the guys rawks!!!

award winner: retro momma, a true sspian, stay the same, retro girl, OMG is that you??

group photo

see you guys in 2020, perhaps??

Monday, November 1, 2010

Latest Update on 10th Year Gathering

Assalamualaikum girls...

Latest update tentang gathering kita...

Date: 4 Dec, 2010
Venue: Saloma Bistro, KL
Time: 7PM ~ 11PM
Payment: RM150
Confirmation & Payment: 11 Nov, 2010

For any enquiries, sila rujuk kepada Miss Shera ;)

Q1: Kenapa Saloma Bistro menjadi pilihan?
A1: Kita akan revisit our history. Saloma Bistro adalah tempat pertama gathering kita selepas SPM.

Q2: Kalau dah bayar RM100 sebagai deposit, berapa balance perlu dibayar?
A2: Full payment is RM150. Jadi sesiapa yang dah bayar RM100, balance anda tinggal RM50 sahaja. Tetapi kepada mereka yang langsung belum membuat pembayaran, full amount adalah diperlukan.

Q3: Bila tarikh terakhir untuk pembayaran?
A3: Confirmation & full payment wajib dibuat sebelum atau pada 11 Nov, 2010.

Q4: Macam mana cara pembayaran?
A4: Cash kepada Shera / Anem / Bel. or boleh bank-in ke akaun CIMB: 14220036299529 di atas nama Shera. Sila notify Anem / Shera setelah membuat pembayaran.

Q5: Apa je aktiviti dinner nanti?
A5: Of course ada makan-makan. Slide show gambar-gambar masa zaman hingusan juga ada :) Performance, ohh lucky draw juga ada *yeay!!* tak lupa award-award menarik. oppss perhaps ada Truth or Dare kot hehehehe....ada berani???

Q6: Apa tema dinner itu nanti?
A6: Oh sudah semestinya tema malam itu nanti adalah suit Saloma Bistro's image ;)

agak-agaknya menarik tak? of course la ape lagi...please spread the words to all the Sohabat9600 out there....we need as much people as we can to make the night the most happening night we've ever had hehehe...please spread this message thru emails / fb / ym or any other means of communication available in this world....

Friday, October 29, 2010

Gambar sekitar Mini Bowling Sohabat9600

pictures taken from Sohabat9600 members' fb. sori gwe cilok tanpa kebenaran hehe...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sohabat9600 Mini Bowling Brawl

Assalamualaikum girls....

We will be having a mini gathering / bowling brawling this coming weekend. Details as provided below. You are welcome to bring along your couple/spouse/fiance/babies. Game is open to both Sohabat9600 and also spouses/partner. Takpe if you are not interested to bowl. You can just come for the juicy gossips :)

This is kinda warm-up session before our grande occasion at the end of the year.

Venue : IOI Mall
Date : 7 Aug, 2010
Registration time: 8.00PM
Kick-off time: 8.30PM
Cost: RM23/person
Dinner: Will not be provided
Note: Surau is available at Level 1 Old Wing

Please bring along a pair of socks if you are interested to bowl. Be there by 8PM for registration and payment process ye!!!

See you girls at IOI Mall this weekend!!!!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hello Ladies!!!!

Aku just copy & paste message dari Ms. KP kite yg ade dlm facebook :)

So, as most of you have known, we gonna have our 10th year gathering this year. We are planning for a 2D1N event in Port Dickson. Location not yet, but will update asap! Other details:

Date: 4/12 ~ 5/12/10
Venue: TBA
Event: Sohabat9600 Gathering / Family Day
Theme: Retro Metro!!!

We have our own sohabat blog for you guys to get updates and share opinions etc. Currently it’s not really up to date, as our madam moderator is bit busy. We will put more updates soon:

You can bring you family along! But the dinner is only for sohabat…hubbies and kids, let them know each other and plan their own activities that night ya :D

Besides dinner, we will have games for you and your family. Of course ade hadiah ye!

There are 2 packages (inclusive accommodation, dinner and breakfast):

1.For singles : RM300
2.For family : RM400

So, you all can choose any of the above mentioned packages. Please RSVP by emailing us your selected package. Following are few emailing format which you guys can use. This is to simplify our checking and monitoring.

For package confirmation
Subject : Package: (write anything)
Email to :

For payment
Subject : Payment: (write anything)
Email to :
CC to :

We have T&C of course since we have ms auditor (aka shera) ;)

1.RM100 deposit must be paid by 1 July 2010. If can’t attend due to any reason, money will not be refund but you will get the souvenirs.

2.Upon confirmation to join the gathering, remaining RM 200 / RM300 must be paid latest by 1 August 2010.

3.Cancellation after 1 August 2010, only RM50 will be refunded.

4.Cancellation after 1 October 2010, no refund will be made since room booking has been done by then.

5.Any last minute confirmation to join the gathering is most welcome (with condition the RM100 has been paid)

We know this is kinda last minute/rushing, but we need the deposit fast so that we can proceed with necessary bookings and orders. Any problem or inquiries, do not hesitate to email us at ya! :)

So, jom meet up!! It’s been 10 years now…Bring along your family, stories n gossips sume hehe…please help to forward this information to those who are not in the loop. I might have missed some ppl.

p/s: the payment not including transportation. We will need to carpool or maybe rent a bus.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Announcement #1: Theme
Tema untuk gathering kita adalah RETRO. so be prepared with all the afros, seluar kaki kembang, baju tangan kembang or whatever la!!! you can come dressing in 50’s or 60’s or 70’s or 80’s. up to you girls. yang penting, the best dress queen will definitely be crowned that nite. yeehaaaa!!!
image from: DryIcons

Announcement #2: Total cost
Committee members have agreed with RM400 as our total cost. there are a few ways korang boleh langsaikan cost ni.
1. Lump sum cash payment of RM400
2. Monthly installment of RM50/month starting Feb ’10 until Sept ’10.
3. Baya secara ansuran ikut berapa korang nak baya
yang penting, total payment haruslah cukup RM400. cut off date: awal Oct 2010

anem has been voted as our financial controller. bole bank-in the money to account no. 14220036299529. CIMB bank atas nama shera. and don’t forget to inform anem via email ( or contact die thru h/p bila dah buat payment ek so she can keep track of your payment. or you can pay cash to anem straight away.
image from: madam website controller

Announcement #3: Pictures
Kepada korang yang ada gamba2 menarik/cute/aksi terlampau yang nak dishare masa dinner nanti, sila emailkan dlm bentuk JPEG kepada farah dina ( sebelum end of May ’10. farah dipertanggungjawab untuk sediakan interesting slides for our view.

Announcement #4: Venue
Thanks so much pada yang bagi opinion untuk venue. pening ok committee nak decide yang mane satu paling syiok untuk kite. hence, the venue masih belom boleh diannounce lagi. masih dalam perbincangan tentang aktiviti, harga and whatnot.